
WIWT | NZ Fashion Week + Jord Wood Watches

Mummy Blog new Zealand

Mummy Blog new ZealandNew Zealand Fashion Week is in full swing and downtown Auckland is awash with beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes.  The sun shone bright for Day 2 as I headed into the city to attend the ITZME and Julian Danger show followed by lunch at The French Cafe for a gorgeous Dermalogica launch.

How fab does that sound?

Not going to lie, it was pretty amaze but I felt like a complete fish-out-of-water at the runway show.  Getting the kids off to school and kindy by 8am, pulling an outfit together, doing somewhat acceptable hair and make-up before driving into the city, parking and charging a couple of blocks in heels is not my average Wednesday morning lol.  Heck, it’s not even my average Saturday night to be honest!

However, it was totally fun playing dress-ups and accessorizing.  I built my outfit around my Jord Wooden Watch which I love!  I paired the natural wooden beauty of the Green Argentinian Sandalwood with a stacked wooden heel (Country Road) and continued to add texture with a sheer chiffon blouse (F21), pleated skirt (Country Road) and a leather jacket (Just Jeans).

My Ely watch is a dream to wear.  My usual Marc Jacobs is super heavy, (I’m sure it could be used as a weapon actually!) so wearing a quality watch that qualifies as a featherweight is a welcome respite.  The wood is a juxtaposition of hard-wearing functionality and soft, rounded lines that make it a pleasure to wear, plus, free shipping worldwide and the team sizes your watch for your before  despatch.  10/10.

Mummy Blog new Zealand Mummy Blog new ZealandMummy Blog new ZealandMummy Blog new Zealand 

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