A totally unplanned return to Wardrobe Wednesday, so the photos are sub-par selfies I’m sorry! Nix is too busy slobbering on my camera to take pictures these days so what’s a girl to do?
Kelly’s Wardrobe Wednesday post today featured ankle boots and a skirt, reminding me that I too had braved bit of trans-seasonal fashion last week and worn my ankle boots with shorts. Nix and I were heading off to our Midwife’s Christmas lunch {a total Mummy affair} and it was a very typical Auckland day – showery but hot, so a couple of layers worked well. I kinda loved this look, though it’s not too flattering for my big calves it was super comfy and it felt good to step away from some of my go-to shoes that I would normally pair with shorts.
Dolman Cardigan: Country Road
Sleeveless Blouse: Stussy
Shorts: Country Road
Boots: Andrea Biani
Dec 5, 2013 8:17 am
You look great – love your hair! You really suit that green (which happens to be one of my favourite colours!) xx
Dec 5, 2013 9:01 am
that green looks fantastic on you – love this outfit – very styley!
Dec 6, 2013 8:47 am
I think it's gorgeous too! Did you buy that top recently? The pattern is so awesome. Welcome back to the blogging world (i too am emerging from the mist) and WELL DONE on your massive walk! xo
Dec 6, 2013 4:00 pm
Hi Kell! Got the shirt from shineon.co.nz follow them on FB, they have great new and used stuff, every now and then something takes my fancy, this blouse was $25!