
Writers Workshop


The Prompts:

1.) Tell us about a “dirt cheap” you’ve taken this summer.

2.) When I grow up I want to be like…

3.) Describe a difficult moment that you survived.

4.) List 5 things you like to do while camping…or 5 places you’d like to go.

5.) What are you paranoid about?

Well, it’s not summer so #1 is out, I just plain do not want to grow up so I can’t even entertain #2.

3.  Describe a difficult moment that you survived.  OK let’s tackle this guy. 

The first situation that springs to mind is Ethan’s Christening.  I don’t even know if that’s what it was called, maybe his dedication or something?  Obviously I am not much of a ‘force religion on your child’ type-person.  We were in the south, staying with Dave’s family for the final month before we moved permanently to New Zealand.  There was this ridiculous drama surrounding the whole thing, certain family members had not spoken to us for 3 of the 4 weeks because we weren’t shelling out money to their children left and right (cause we are filthy rich right?) so tension was running high.  Add to this, it was Mothers Day and I was being forced to go to a Baptist church and do something I felt quite strongly against.  It was a ill planned joke in the church.  On a day when a number of very young children were ‘booked in’ for this procedure, the pastor decided to make the kids wait til the end of the service.  By wait, I mean a couple of hours.  Can you imagine?  So when it’s finally the time to address the issue of the screaming children and their destiny with Jesus we line up in front of the congregation.  It’s very quiet, everyone is listening to the pastors inroduction of each little family.  Ethan is pissed and wallops me across the face with this satisfying slap that was totally worthy of a Sopranos sound bite.  That’s how The Jack family met the southern baptists.

To amplify my mothers day misery, it was a Sunday.  In Georgia.  Do you know what that means?  NO LIQOUR SALES.  I was unable to drown my sorrows.  So I did what any self-respecting, miserable wife would do – I sent my husband and my best friend to Florida to buy beer.   Happy mothers day!

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  1. Jul 9, 2009 9:25 pm

    I enjoyed reading your post, I found you at mama kats. I am not far from you, over here in Australia lol

  2. Jul 9, 2009 10:20 pm

    Thank you for your sweet comment!

    Sunday's -NO liquor SUCKKKKKKKKS
    Cause that's when all the bad stuff ususally goes down!

    I'm becoming Sarah Palin's newest red headed step child.. no more levi johnston.. I'm moving to wasilla! haha.

  3. Jul 10, 2009 1:55 am

    I am sorry the church made you wait until the end. That is just crazy. I always love when they do baby dedications at our church. I love seeing the beautiful babies! So sweet.

  4. Jul 10, 2009 3:14 am

    I totally understand the being against the Christianing (or dedication) thing. I believe myself to be a religious person but not so much that I would dedicate my children to a church. I'm not going to make a promise I can't keep and ultimately I think that is the whole point of the dedication, promising to raise your child as a child of God and in a church. I don't think I could do that. Not the child of God part, but the raising my child in a church. I have nothing against churches, except those that constantly want money, but I don't think that I would be raising my kid to have a hell bent, sinners life just b/c I didn't make them go or raise them in a church. The church, the structure, isn't what matters…the worship and the faith does, in my opinion.

    I am visiting from Mama Kat's.

  5. Jul 10, 2009 10:10 am

    Wow, you deserve an award for not taking someone out that day…