
Enough & More. 10 Years of Marriage


Last night I got really, shitty, stabby, pissed off & annoyed at Dave.  He had cooked and served up an awesome dinner, beautiful chicken taco salads, and as we were cleaning up I noticed the avocado.

It wasn’t really an avocado – more so the remnants of one.  Half an avocado that had been meticulously sliced and portioned and arranged artfully on our salads and Ethan’s taco’s.  Except there was one slice left.  

What the hell?

Who serves up half an avocado and leaves one sliver left in the skin?  Were you really going to save this Dave?  Wrap it in glad-wrap and put it back in the fridge, only to open it again and spread that last sliver on quarter of a cracker?

Oh my god this irritated me beyond any sensible, rational bounds.  It wasn’t a once off, this happens all the time in our kitchen.  Dave will serve some peas and leave 5 peas in the bowl.  F I V E.  The reason?  He already had enough on his plate.  This was also the reasoning behind the orphaned avocado sliver; the perfect amount was already on our plates.  We had enough.  No more was needed.

I cooled my jets and got over being annoyed, but caught myself thinking about the silly situation this morning as we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary.

Enough and More is the odd dichotomy that typifies our decade together as husband and wife.  A wonderful, amazing 10 years that have blessed us with many things, most importantly our two incredible boys.

Dave is enough.  He lives and breathes Enough.  He is always happy, always satisfied, always at the perfect level of psychological homeostasis, never wanting, never coveting, always seeking balance and just enough.

I am More.  Always pushing, driving, trying harder, needing to win, be the best, have More.  Dreaming big, setting lofty goals and ideals for everyone, getting more out of today than yesterday.

Dave had portioned out enough avocado, I would have added more.

I think these individual idiosyncrasies and difference in focus, plus our unwavering commitment to the success of our marriage is what makes us such a great team.  I personally am going to take a leaf out of Dave’s book over the next 10 years and start practicing Enough.  Because I already have more blessings than I deserve.

I love you so much Dave Jack, thank you for proposing, marrying and moving to the other side of the earth with me.  Thank you for the best 10 years I could ever have imagined and putting up with some of my worst days and helping me through them.  You are the most kind, generous and loving man any family could wish for and such a perfect example for your two little boys.  

Thank you xx.

Mummy Blog NZ 


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  1. Dec 22, 2014 3:55 pm

    Beautiful words Melissa
    Happy Anniversary

  2. Dec 22, 2014 4:03 pm

    Very well said. Cheers for more years to come.

  3. Dec 22, 2014 5:29 pm

    Lovely post, happy anniversary! I think all couples have their avocado moments, it's all part of the mixed salad called married life. I had to look up homeostasis, thank you for showing me that my vocabulary needs More.

  4. Jan 5, 2015 9:02 am

    Happy Belated Anniversary! Here's to many more avocado filled years of partnership x

  5. Jan 5, 2015 9:02 am

    Ps: awesome photo 🙂