Lawn mowed, weed eating done time to weekend! Mum and I busted ass this afternoon and got our outside chores out of the way before the inevitable rain returns.
September, like every other month this year is just flying by. I get to the end of the week to write these posts and look in my camera roll, for the first time ever I am struggling to remember to take pictures even!
I have snapped a few though, and have found a couple from Dave’s iPad that have ended up on our photo stream – he is now in Milan, MUCH happier than he was in Rome.
The Block is over but our own reno has kicked into gear again this week. The laundry’s makeover has finally begun – floor to ceiling cupboards are being built to fill in the big waste of space that is our laundry/thoroughfare through the house. Can’t wait for all of that extra storage! I also {finally} made a decision on the ventilation system, so a Mitsubishi Lossnay system is going in next Friday, and we have signed off on the water/sewer/drainlaying quote so we are soon about to be very broke.
Also loving surprise packages thanks to being a mummy blogger! More on that later….
This Chinese Elm side cabinet is perfect, but I want it for a TV cabinet. What do we think? I’m loving it, the price is better than the ‘new’ option I’m also considering, but I think I’m put off by the sheer mass of it. It is a serious piece of furniture.
Though Lou has been a particularly Bad Dog this week, I adore this picture of Ethan and his pup. This is the ‘before’ shot. Lou was outside the groomer and looks like a yeti no longer. Spring cleaning includes the dogs in this house!
Loving catching little glimpses of Dave’s European Adventure through my photo stream. How rico suave is this little hotel snack?
This pic also appeared in the photo stream, sneaky Dave taking screen shots of us chatting. We miss you SO much! 22 days to go x
Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.
Sep 8, 2012 8:17 pm
Amazing photographs. My hubbie is going away on Sunday for 8 nights – nothing compared to what your love is on! I can totally understand you counting down the days. Nice you've got your Mum at hand to keep you company though x That hotel snack looks very scrumptious!
Sep 9, 2012 8:18 am
Despite bad doggy status that IS a very cute pic! And I think the cabinet would look good in either guise. So cool that Skype makes the distance that much more bearable! Happy weekend to you 🙂
Sep 10, 2012 1:16 am
I love your yeti!! Looks like your husband is eating some terrible food in Italy… 🙂 And the cabinet is beautiful – sometimes I think pieces like that work so well when they're not used for their "intended" purpose.
Sep 10, 2012 1:58 am
True, I will go back for a second look I think!
Sep 10, 2012 8:03 am
It's good that you have been busy while the hubby is away having a great time….look forward to seeing more of your reno. x