Project 365: Week 2
The week that was Monday January 4th – Sunday January 10th, 2010

Monday - "Good morning Jim, how did you sleep?"


Wednesday - A Cheetah and his Dog, yes I know my son is wearing a leotard....

Thursday - Fishing for sharks w/ Nana & Grandad

Friday - Happy Happy boys, boys, boys.....except maybe Louie

Saturday - Put your fresh snapper in a pie! Believe me, it's incredible

This is what you do when you live in the sticks, the tanks are low, your pool is low and there is a chance of rain. I thought of this myself....don't judge!
Jan 13, 2010 2:51 pm
That snapper pie is a must. I know you have that recipe around here somewhere? Love it!
.-= Julzy´s last blog ..WordPress 2.9.1 =-.
Jan 13, 2010 8:35 pm
I will post it for you!
Jan 14, 2010 9:46 pm
Yes, please do! And Jim is AWESOME!!!! Does he jump?
.-= shorepound´s last blog ..This is Florida, right? =-.