Getting the nursery ready for our winter baby is requiring a little re-jigging in our house. Unfortunately we don’t have an empty room, painted in neutrals, ready and waiting to transform into the nursery of my dreams. What we do have is our office that we have to re-home. Dave works from home at least 50% of the time so having a workspace for him is important, but in saying that all he really needs is table space to lay out his laptop and there is plenty of room for that on the dining room table.
After selling an old table on Trade Me this weekend we had space in our family room to move my desk out of the office to it’s new home;
The only stipulations I had regarding having a computer in a living area was that there was workspace for two so E has a place to easily complete homework, and secondly, no ugly computer chairs. Dave and I found these Tractor Stools at Freedom Furniture (they are not on the NZ website yet) and they fit the bill completely. They were a little more than I had expected to pay at $159 each, but I had to love the stools we chose as they are in a room in which we will be spending more time this winter with the arrival of our new bubba.
We moved a couple of other pieces of furniture around and I’m so happy with this room now. It’s a rectangle with 6 doors off of it so wall space is at a premium, but everything now works and feels much more open. I also discovered the most amaze product at Spotlight today; Mode Rug Gripper $6.99 for 10m. That crazy orange rug {which I love} is quite light weight and Ethan and the dogs are forever causing it to bunch and move. This tape actually works, is cheap and easy to apply. Magic.
We will move Dave’s desk out of the office in a couple of months and then I can decorate until my hearts content! Until then I have a growing stockpile of all things baby that is slowly engulfing our changing table and the briefly vacant corner of the office.