
Awww Sunday…..

Dave and Lou. A man and his Shi Tzu

You always come around too soon!  Luckily we crammed lots of work into this weekend, our house is looking and feeling more and more awesome by the day!

Loving Friday night drinks.  I headed out for a well deserved girls dinner at one of my fave spots, Hallertau, so close I could shake a stick at it!  I was predictably boring and ordered calamari plus a huge bowl of cauliflower soup.  Delish, and perfect for a cold Friday night.

I am in love with our house, our neighborhood and our street and getting to share it with my awesome Mum!  Shared property ownership can definitely work – with the right house.

Riverhead Auckland

Our Backyard.  Winter sun

I am loving that I embraced my inner Westie this week and busted out the Ugg Boots in public!  Yes I did.  Tuesday was the day that Auckland decided to flood itself a little bit, also the day Ethan and I decided to go to the movies.  Busiest day I have ever seen at the normally deserted local cinema.  Ice Age 4 is awesome by the way!  Regrowth is looking good peeps!

Ugg Boots in Public.  Yes I did

I am loving Dave and Ethan’s new ‘Thing’ – crystal growing or farming or whatever.  I had a wild hair on Sunday morning and cleaned out the pantry and found a Crystal set that Ethan got for Christmas one year.  The boys had a great time mixing up all of the potions.  This white crystal grew in a matter of hours!

Crystal Growing

I am loving Dave and Louie.  Together.  Apologizing for not being better plumbers.  When in fact Dave is learning as he goes and Louie has no thumbs.

Dave and Lou.  A man and his Shi Tzu

Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

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