I’m so glad I had scheduled this review for today, I totally needed a wee pick-me-up and after the second time using these amazing masks I am now convinced that the perfect mummy boost comes in a box, costs only $9.99 and you can buy it at The Warehouse or Countdown!
Made in New Zealand {LOVE}, by nature products are free of parabens, phenoxyethanol, silicone, formaldehyde and artificial colours. What this face mask has in abundance however, is some of the biggest names in skincare right now; Manuka Honey, Collagen, Organic Rosehip oil, hyaluronic Acid, Argan oil and Aloe Vera.
This product is completely different to any other at-home face mask I have used before. It is a gel/serum based mask opposed to traditional thick, drying masks. It feels delicious on your skin and reminds of the mask step in a salon Dermalogica facial when mysterious lotions are painted on top of a thin mask just like this one. The mask is totally easy to apply and there is no lack of treatment in the pouch, the goodness is literally dripping off your fingers by the time you have the mask in position.
I had no idea what Hyaluronic Acid was {surprise surprise!} but have noticed it seems to be in tonnes of skincare products at the moment and gets a lot of press so I figured it was time to do some googling. Hyaluronic Acid {also known as Restylane} is actually a naturally occurring substance within the human body, a humectant – moisture binding – ingredient that keeps skin looking plump, healthy and hydrated. Babies have heaps of the stuff which is why their skin is so amaze. As we age, production slows, particularly after 40, so topical treatments can be effective for an instant ‘plump and smooth’.
This is the second time I have used the by nature Nourishing & Refining Mask. The first time I used it before bed so didn’t pay too much attention to how my skin looked and felt afterward. Today I used it in the morning after a terrible nights sleep, much stress and a general state of dehydration. Praise be, people! I have to head into the city for an event this afternoon and my skin is glowing, hydrated and ready! I feel like I’ve had a spa facial.
A small and lovely, inexpensive wonder you can pick up at your local. 10/10. As this mask has gone straight to the top of my faves I’m putting the eye and face serums on my wish list.
Find out more about by nature here.
This product was provided for editorial consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.
Jun 4, 2015 11:38 pm
nice sharing….