I’m not sure there could be a more perfect, ultimately modern-day novel than Adults.
I’ve worked in social media for well over a decade, and what Unsworth has done by bringing Instagram out of the closet and into the light as the ultimate narcissist starter-kit is both clever and, quite uncomfortable, if only because it’s so very familiar and recognisable.

It’s all here – I recognise and acknowledge Jenny’s mid-30’s angst and entitlement, the increasing volume of her biological clock, the association between self-worth and social media success – whatever that looks like?!
What I think resonated most was the complete fallacy between Jenny’s obsessive online presence and the shit-show that was going down IRL (in real life fyi lol). Fertility, break-ups, Mum issues, professional confidence ft job loss, that violent transition between ‘I’ve got nothing else to do so let’s get fucked up, and, I’m over 35 and get quite tired if I’m out after 10.30pm……’
God it was painful.
Not the book! I mean, that stage of life. Although to be perfectly honest I had 2 kids by 35, but, it was painful watching others navigate those hungover waters.
I Loved Adults. Fastest book I have read this year, I could disappear into it easily and with pleasure but it’s also one of those rare gems you can put down and come back to with ease. Which helps when your digital ADD kicks in and you are picking up your phone every 1.5 minutes! j/k.
Available now, published by HarperCollins Publishers New Zealand.