Get the Gift-Mas list out grown-ups! This book would be a gorgeous addition to any little library.
How Many Legs? stole my heart as soon as I saw the cover, I LOVE bright and bold illustrations and this picture book is jam-packed full of them!
This is one book that will move through various ages and stages with your kids. Nixon at 2 is enamoured with it because of the funny rhyming, hilarious animal characters and engaging pictures. Older children will remain engrossed as they attempt to keep up with the maths – trying to remember exactly how many legs are present at any given time is not as easy as it sounds!
Gray and Field, both wildly successful authors and illustrators have nailed the ‘kid brief’ with How Many Legs? To be honest, Nixon can obsess all he wants over a book, but if it’s not enjoyable to read, then I will do my damndest to wriggle out of it every time. Books that appeal to both adults and kids are a sure fire way to keep everyone in the house reading and this is definitely one where I do NOT find myself wishing away the pages.
Kids loving books is such a massive blessing and makes my heart all kinds of happy so I always allocate some birthday and Christmas funds to adding a few new gems to the boys collections. Do you guys do this too? Hopefully this will become a tradition that carries on to their own families one day :::::::sobs:::::::