Fact: I have been in bed since 8.30pm
Fact: I am eating hummus, with nothing, just my finger ::::::GASP::::::
Fact: I have just finished reading the New Zealand Healthy Food Guide November Edition
Fact: I purchased The Jack Family’s First Freezer today
Cumulative total of facts = I have definately hit the ground running into my thirties and it appears there is no return.
This is the guy that’s got my heart all a flutter. I knew I had to do something when I came home from grocery shopping and realised there was no way on gods green earth that I was getting 2 loaves of bread, english muffins, pita bread, pastry, 2 packs of chicken and a size 16 chicken into my shoe-box sized freezer which was already bursting at the gills. Enter Trade Me. I found my freezer, it appears to be an incredible bargain, is less than a year old and lives in Remuera. Hell, if you are going to buy second hand whiteware you might as well buy from the best right? My parents freezer was purchased before I was born. That’s right people, if you follow along and can do The Math, that means the freezer is at least THIRTY YEARS OLD. And still freezing shit. So, I look forward to sharing many fond family memories with my new freezer, fingers crossed he will be around to dish out Flavr Ice to my grandkids.
Another useful and boring thing I have bought lately is;
My Zyliss Can Opener. After the third crapola can opener in a year refused to open my refried beans last month, I finally did it. I spent $30+ on a can opener. This guy was worth every penny, 5 stars.
So, the moral of the story is; avoid whiteware for as long as you can, but if the day comes when you need that bit of extra space to store your reduced meat bargains and your butter stockpile, embrace it, run with it and relish the fact that next time you see two size 24 chickens on sale for $12 YOU ARE FREE TO BUY THEM, no longer constrained by the small freezer, YOU CAN BUY IN BULK. Finally.
Nov 4, 2009 10:27 am
Pack it full of TV dinners and tell hubby your going to visit Scottsdale AZ. (wink)(wink) 🙂