
Boxing Day


There were only two rules, stay home and don’t shop.  Easy;

 DEC 365 DEC 366

DEC 367 DEC 371

DEC 384 DEC 377

Cherry toms are almost ready!  Eggplant….not so much

DEC 387

Ethan loves his Candyland game from Meemee

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  1. Jan 1, 2009 2:05 am

    A) Why do you celebrate Boxing Day? B) Why must you stay home?C) Why no shopping? Fill a clueless American in please! :)And Donovan loves Candyland too!

  2. Jan 1, 2009 9:33 am

    <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Dayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Day<br />Boxing Day is an old Christian holiday that commonwealth countries recognise. It is always on the 26th of Dec and is a huge shopping day like the day after Thanksgiving in your land. We wanted to stay home beacuse christmas day is usually a big driving day as we visit family and so we just wanted to be at our house and chill.