This is an awesome example of a major corporation putting things right;
Cadbury you have redeemed yourself in 5 ways I never thought possible. You listened to me when I told you I wasn’t down with you killing Orangutans (OK indirectly…) to make me fat happy and high on choccy. I couldn’t believe it when you commented on my blog last week and said you wanted to make ammends, set things right and send me a present! and then you found me on twitter and whispered the same sweet nothings.
And then today, you (OK Courier Post) came through with the goods.
Yeah – Cadbury loves me AND DAMN-IT I LOVE YOU TOO CADS!
All is forgiven, I’m pretty sure that I can forget about that whole Palm Oil fiasco, just don’t be putting any more nasty shit in our chocolate again and things will be just fine.
Your letter was sweet though, don’t be mad that I am sharing it, but I think everyone needs to know that you are truly sorry and are working to make it up to the chocoholics of New Zealand.
It’s nice to have you back Cads
Love Melissa, your BFF xxxx