I’m in a real ‘adulting’ mindset at the moment. I’ve had a meeting with an insurance broker, we are getting Dave’s citizenship underway, our mortgage is up for renewal so I’m in full planning mode around refinancing and I’m really consciously trying to make our house and home work for our family without falling into the trap of obsessing about …
Childhood Unplugged
I’m pretty sure he doesn’t realize it at the moment, but I’m hoping that this Saturday just been will firmly cement itself in Ethan’s head in an “oh yeah, that’s what we did when I was a kid” kinda way. It won’t be a Best Day of My Life kind of memory, more of the Normal Day in the Neighborhood variety; …
Who even has a 10 year old anyway?
Life is mental. Then your eldest son turns 10 and life gets more mental and you just get really o l d . On Friday E turns 10 and this means {if my maths is correct} that Dave and I have been parents for 10 freaking years! What the?! Double whammy actually as this also means we have been married …
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.” nixon: just a couple of guys hanging out. daddy’s skateboards are amongst your favourite things to crash into the walls, to flip over and spin the wheels, licking them every now and then……. ethan: what a difference a week makes. things {hormones already?} have settled down, new strategies …
The Plague aka Year 4 Girls
Term 1 draws to a close on Friday and E has started the year as he means to continue; his touch team won the summer club module, he won the backstroke at Swimming Sports and came 2nd in his other events, he has volunteered to assist two special needs kids at school on a rostered basis and is performing at …
A4A Blog Carnival | Day 2 These are a few of my favourite things
I am participating in wegohealth.com’s Advocating for Another (A4A) Carnival – Parenting Edition. This is a month long event where health and parenting advocates write, share and enjoy! The FB page can be found here for more info + grab the parenting prompts here and join in! The blog carnival runs from August 21-28, 2012. Day 2: These are a few of my favourite things …
A4A Blog Carnival | Day 1 Portrait Post
I am participating in wegohealth.com’s Advocating for Another (A4A) Carnival – Parenting Edition. This is a month long event where health and parenting advocates write, share and enjoy! The FB page can be found here for more info + grab the parenting prompts here and join in! The blog carnival runs from August 21-28, 2012. Day 1: Write a descriptive …
School Holidays | Take Your Kid to Work Day
I’m pretty sure I have mentioned before how lucky I am that I have a Mama-Friendly workplace. School holidays are fortunately never an issue which is just as well as we are all parents of youngish children and our wonderful boss lets us rearrange our schedules to suit. I did mention to the owner of our company today that the holidays …
“That word that has -ex on the end”
Louie has been beside himself with joy at moving in with Molly and Marley but the mystique of living with a female is driving Lou to distraction. This has not escaped the notice of our observant child. Louie’s ‘hunting’ was so prolonged on Sunday his lipstick popped out and he couldn’t move! Ethan thought we were going to have to …
The Bug in the Photo Frame
You know those little annoying 5min jobs that you put off and put off until it becomes so ridiculous that you haven’t done it yet that the job just becomes a write off? No? Perfect? Well done. Some of our friends in San Diego framed a photo taken of Ethan a day after he was born. It is a beautiful, …