Like many (MANY) Mondays, I woke this week determined to pay for the excesses of the weekend. Tell me I’m not the only repeat offender who does this? There was a bit of carb-fest on Sunday as we hibernated, watched a movie and lazed around with the kids after a fairly epic Saturday night farewelling the 2016 rugby season with Dave’s team …
Super Grains Simplified
If you haven’t yet stumbled upon the goodness that is the super grain phenomena, fear not. It’s not as hipster/foodie as it sounds and, it could be as simple as switching your white rice for brown. There’s been a very defined consumer shift in the past 18 months or so, with both singles and families driving a movement towards less …
Winter Rugby – Our Great Kiwi Saturday Morning Ritual
The 2016 rugby season has just about wrapped up for us. Ethan’s J1 team played their last game together on Saturday, a huge milestone as 18 out of the 22 boys are heading off to high school next year. Saying goodbye to the rugby club and teammates you’ve played with since you were 5 (or younger!) is a big deal …
Family Health – Winter Remedies for Kids Under 6
I’m sure I’m not alone in absolutely despairing over my little one’s health this winter. Nixon has been unwell constantly and it’s wearing all of us down. The poor little guy can’t seem to catch a break as his maladies vary week to week from the classic green nose to a hacking asthmatic cough and this week, we were …
Glaucoma – What you NEED to know
When I walked in to Specsavers for an eye exam last week, three things immediately hit me; I prioritise every other aspect of my health and wellbeing (and that of my family) over my own vision I had absolutely no idea why this was the case! I had absolutely no idea what constituted ‘good eye health’ or how this was …
Easing into Essential Oils
This will probably come as no surprise to many/most of you, but alternative/natural therapies such as the use of essential oils and I generally aren’t bff’s. I’m a hard-out science, evidence based consumer of Big Drug Company Medicine. Lead me to the chemist and show me a box of Codral and I’ll pop open those foil packets and happily get …
Parenting – The Jump Off
The past month, our first with our treasured Springfree Trampoline, has flown by with a blur of little noses pressed to the windows, assessing the rain, the temperature, the amount of towels left in the linen cupboard to dry off the tramp’s mat for the 4th time in a day………….(OMG rain!). #tgomalife is real guys and my boys have caught …
Fit Tech – The Fitbit Blaze Smart Fitness Watch
Fitbit expanded it’s range of fitness trackers earlier this year with their much anticipated launch of the all new Fitbit Alta and Fitbit Blaze models. Fitbit faithful were in raptures as their beloved step-counters got a radical new makeover and the feature that everyone has been asking for for years – interchangeable wrist bands. Small but significant when you wear …
Symptoms of Oestrogen Dominance and what you can do about it
I haven’t hidden this from everyone, but I also haven’t been particularly forthcoming over the past six months. I’ve been struggling. A lot. Nix had hit a really rough patch of sleep regression which had seen us facing night after night, AFTER NIGHT of sleep deprivation. I couldn’t deal with lack of sleep, in fact, I remember the whole newborn, …
Fit Tech – how to get the most bang for your bounce!
If you’re talking about one ‘toy’ or piece of play equipment that just hasn’t disappeared from New Zealand backyards over the past 50 years, it’s undoubtedly the trampoline. Seemingly immune to trends, kiwi kids simply LOVE to bounce! In typical NZ Dad fashion, my first trampoline was made by my father who was an engineer. He carried me downstairs to …