He may or may not have hunted and killed this sheep himself……

A Shi-tzu wearing a sweater chewing on a sheep skull.  This is what Lou did all day after he dragged himself out of {my} bed.  It’s getting cold but still no rain.  This time a year ago I was obsessing about how to get my clothes dry, this year it’s more about how to get them washed! Follow

Something I haven’t mentioned yet…

Is that Ethan has two pet frogs.  Tim and Mike.  One is shy, one is not.  I don’t know which one is which but they are WILD creatures, caught fresh by Steve Irwin Ethan himself in his Nana’s pond. So, five minutes ago I went into the boys room to take him to the bathroom before I went to bed …

Dearest Doggy-mama

Prompt #1 From Mama Kat this week is “Your pet wants to guest post on your blog”.  Sweet, I knew that Holy Shi Tzu has been biting his tongue for a while now, lets see what he’s got to say for himself; Dear Mama I think it’s time to clear the air.  You see I’m picking up these strange vibes …