Play the movie and listen with your ears Follow
Why don’t they just print more money?
From the NZ Herald 18th September 2008 It is an age old question. As budding economists we all ask it of our parents some time around the age of 7 or 8. Why don’t they just print some more money? We are quickly told why that doesn’t work. Money is worthless unless backed by something of real value. Unfortunately this …
The Drive South
The drive south from Auckland to National Park is one of my favourites in New Zealand, but last weekend we got to see the aftermath of three huge storms in one week! Waikato was pretty much entirely underwater, the flooding was insane and some of the roads pretty treacherous; Oops, the road broke! Follow
Batten down the hatches!
A major storm in the Coral Sea off Australia’s northeast coast is beginning to develop and is heading directly towards New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland. I’m becoming increasingly confident that a major sub-tropical cyclone will affect much of the North Island starting early on Saturday. While the path of this weekend’s storm still isn’t 100% clear its development certainly is. …