
Acquisitions | MOX Moccasins

Mox Moccasins


Moccasins are huge right now in the spendy land of baby fashion {which is going mental atm}, but their place is warranted in my opinion.  I just cannot squish my bubba’s fat little sledgehammers into hard, uncomfortable shoes.  Nix will be wearing Mox exclusively for another year at least.  These are beautifully, handcrafted wee shoes, sized to perfection.  Nix has chubba ankles so on delivery these were a little tight, but Kelly happily resized them for me at no extra charge.  So, brilliant service and a delightful, high quality, handmade product.  Order via the Mox FB page.

PS.  This is not a paid review, just wanted to share something I love x


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