
Crockpot Recipes – Shredded Taco Chicken


This shredded chicken recipe is a guaranteed family favourite!  Dust off your crockpot, winter is here and it’s time to work some easy, slowcooker magic!

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Crockpot Shredded Taco Chicken

3 x chicken breasts or equivalent chicken thighs, tenderloins

1 packet of taco seasoning

1/2 large onion chopped

1/2 large capsicum chopped

2 tsp chopped garlic

1 can black beans

1 can whole kernel sweet corn

1 large jar of salsa (approx 450g)

Salt and pepper to taste

Coriander and tortillas to serve

  1. Coat chicken in taco seasoning.  
  2. Spray crockpot bottom and sides with oil to prevent sticking.
  3. Add chopped onion, capsicum and garlic to crockpot.
  4. Place chicken pieces on top, season with salt and pepper.
  5. Empty jar of salsa onto chicken.  3/4 fill jar with water, swish around and pour into crockpot.
  6. Cook in crockpot on low for at least 6 hours.
  7. Using two forks, shred chicken pieces
  8. Add cans of beans and corn.  If mix is too watery add cornflour by the tsp to thicken, stirring to combine.
  9. Cook for another hour at least, or crank it to high if you’re in a hurry and go for 30mins.

Serve as tacos, burritos or on top of a yummy salad.


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