Two boys that is, hope no-one thought that Easter may have passed by with two eggs or anything ridiculous like that. Because I would actually die if I only had two eggs. Each day.
I am a chocolate addict and Easter is my Las Vegas baby! Hello Creme Eggs.
Pretty much the best thing ever about the addition of Nixon to our family is how much his presence multiplies everything that Ethan enjoys and experiences by a factor of like, a million. Five minutes after waking up and beginning his egg hunt {which involved E carrying around his 11kg baby brother and letting Nix grab all of the eggs}, Ethan declared 2014 The Best Easter Ever. Considering he received the smallest stash of chocolate ever in his 9 year Easter history, I’m going to claim that as a big fat win!
We ‘pottered around’ over the long weekend, ticking off to-do list chores. We rented a Rug Doctor and I cleaned all of the carpets {a job I kinda love, almost like water blasting you know? No?}. We visited my grandparents, baked Hot Cross Buns, jumped with joy every damn time it rained – a full tank is the business people, my longing for rain is now over for another year. I also started and completed my pillowcase project, sewing 6 in total for the boys. I may like to shop but I will not spend $45 on one trendy pillowcase for a child ::am I wrong?::
So, with the help of Team Instagram we troubleshot my machines tension problem and the little Globe-877-that-could whipped up some very cute flannelette pillowcases for the boys.
There were quite a few other mini-projects and bits and bobs either started or completed, plus we made time for drinks with a friend, a Date Night In and skateboarding for Dave and shopping for me {at Spotlight and Mitre 10 nonetheless!}.
Hope you and yours had a lovely break before winter sets in once and for all, chow down on those eggs mama’s you deserve ’em xx
Apr 24, 2014 12:33 pm
It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. This post is making my mouth water just thinking about all that chocolate you must have indulged in. Lucky you!
Apr 25, 2014 8:53 am
That photo of #nonixonno with chocolate all over his face SWEETEST pic ever
I'm smiling from ear to ear reading this post
Apr 26, 2014 9:12 am
What a absolutely lovely weekend! And happy boys and happy mamas and happy rain! Sounds and looks lovely Melissa x