
Eat Enjoy | Bennett’s of Mangawhai Chocolate


Squeezing in 5 days in Mangawhai at the end of the holidays was a perfect summer treat for our family, finding a chocolatier in town was a sweet surprise this pregnant lady could not resist!
My Aunt, who is a local, insisted we stop by Bennett’s, unfortunately we left it to Monday and the cafe was closed, so sampling ‘the best hot chocolate ever’ would have to wait for a future visit.
The custom built building is stunning, housing the cafe, chocolate showroom and chocolate factory. You could easily lose the best part of an hour in the showroom alone, poring over the beautiful displays of perfect, glossy chocolates and trying to select which ones to take home. Luckily I spotted a sampler box so I didn’t have to make too many difficult decisions – until I got up to the register and had to decide which flavour chocolate block was coming home too ; )

Definitely schedule a visit to Bennett’s on your next trip to Magical Mangawhai or visit them online at http://www.bennettsofmangawhai.com/




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