Last month I received a gorgeous wee book in the mail to read and review. I was excited. I love books and LOVED this book in particular as it gave me a chance to go back to those precious long days {and short years} of Ethan’s early life.
This would make a perfect baby shower gift for an expecting mama – it’s brimming with positivity and chock full of lovely, feel good personal experience.
Reading through the experiences I immediately flashed back to the awful (and only) evening when I attempted to let Ethan self-settle before he was one. I knew it was going to be rough. He had been feeding to sleep at every nap and every bedtime, it worked for us and I saw no need to change our routine until someone chastised me for it, and my self-doubt set in. Obviously it was time to sleep train the baby!
I scoured the web, I had everything I needed to do written down, I had a stop watch to time the intervals between going in to see him, I had my best friend laying on the floor crying with me outside Ethan’s room {Dave was at work}……It was one of the most hideous experiences ever.
I had treated bedtime like a science experiment and I knew I would never do it again.
Charlotte visits this issue in her book, as well as many other facets of parenting through the baby stages. This book is NOT, however, a how-to guide and I don’t think it pretends to be. Peaceful Baby Sleep is a collation of data collected from Kiwi Mums, describing their experiences and sharing their own natural instincts and the value placed on these maternal cue cards.
This book would be a wonderful reassurance for a new parent who is doubting themselves at every step and milestone. It emphasizes that there is no one recipe for success that can be applied to every baby and every family; the stories shared are aimed at empowering parents to believe in what they know to be right for their baby.
The only {minor} complaint I have is that it appeared approximately 95% of Weston’s respondents seem to advocate co-sleeping, which I don’t think needs to be portrayed as mutually exclusive with any style of attachment parenting, again take from it what you will, different things work for different folks.
You can visit the Peaceful Baby Sleep Facebook page here and purchase online here.
Win your own copy of Peaceful Baby Sleep! Congratulations Michelle West!
Just leave a comment below telling me how you used to get your little ones to sleep, if you entered on the previous Peaceful Baby Sleep Post you are already in the draw! Random winner drawn Sunday 22nd July, 2012.
Jul 17, 2012 9:42 am
I've done it all with 3 kids I have tried absolutely everything and would love a chance to read this book. maybe one day we'll have another and i figure when raising little ones you can always learn something useful!! please ignore the stars I coulnt get it to go to 3
Jul 17, 2012 9:59 am
I used to sing a very repetative song… what I was always surprised at was if I tried to remember the tune when I didn;t need it I couldn;t but in the throws of rocking a screaming baby it always came back. I hope I'll remember it when No 2 comes along in a couple of months 🙂
Jul 23, 2012 5:29 am
Hi Michelle, congrats you were picked at random and have won a copy of this lovely book! Please email me your address to melissa@thebestnest.co.nz
Jul 17, 2012 8:54 pm
Routine routine routine. We stick to the same routiune and both of our kids slept through from 8 weeks. Bath, milk, books, cuddles and bed works a treat for us!!
Jul 18, 2012 4:27 am
Routine and sitting with them until they went to sleep, which gradually became standing at door, and then less and less. But if all else failed, especially if they were sick, we put our kids in our bed with us until they went to sleep.