
Hello Nixon | 8 Weeks Old



I realised two things last night as I turned off the lamp on my bedside table and snuggled down to go to sleep.

1.  I was so very, very tired.

2.  I was falling asleep with a smile on my face.  It was just there and I was so glad to have taken note of it.

I am happy.  Content and very happy.  How very un-kiwi of me to say so, I will not apologise for it either.  Taking a moment to just be happy and acknowledge the fact shouldn’t be so hard, but sometimes life is hard.

Tuesday would have been my Dads 59th birthday and this week my second son turned 8 weeks old.  They would have adored each other.

Anywho, sad things aside, as a newly minted Mother of Two I can honestly say that next to the awesome exuberant joy of actually meeting my newborn for the first time {coupled with the mad joy of no longer being preggers}, nothing so far has brought me as much joy as putting Nixon down for a nap, successfully!  This has happened 4 days in a row now and I can’t help but feel that we both have crossed a huge impasse.  Napping has really been the icing on the cake this week.  Getting out of the house no longer fills me with dread, however the carseat obviously fills Nixon with dread as he somehow hates it enough to maintain screaming all the way home from Milford to Riverhead!  No easy feat for one so young.

Home visits from our midwife and Plunket have finished which is awesome.  I appreciate the amazing job these ladies do but they are always late, sometimes up to an hour and a half!  At least when we have an appointment now, I can rely on being on time and not having to plan our whole day around what time someone may arrive here.  I guess it also means that we have left our newborn days behind.  Nix is undoubtedly huge and the struggles he had with feeding initially are are a quickly fading memory.

Nix you are a Fine Speciman {as described by our GP}.  We put you over our shoulder to burp you and you lock your chubby legs and stand up – before trying to crawl over our shoulders!  You have made mama so happy this week by deciding to give naps a chance and you are much happier as a result.  We have had two visits to the osteopath who feels she has sorted out your birth trauma, and as much as this felt like visiting a psychic, I really believe that she has helped you settle, feed and sleep much better.  Plus you totally loved her which made things a lot easier!

I am going to have to sort through your clothes next week as your sweet newborn and 0-3 month clothes are now proving difficult to squeeze you into.  Your alert and awake times are now so much fun as your big blue eyes follow us around and you are so generous with your gorgeous lopsided smiles!  When you are sad you still make us laugh as your bottom lip has enormous reach and you are perfecting a pout that will have us all wrapped around your fingers in no time.  Your big brother still gets very upset {tears} when you throw a bad paddy and cry so hard you sound like a bleating lamb, please try not to do this in the car as I just can’t help you when I’m driving!  Ethan says his heart hurts to hear you so upset, he loves you so much.

Fingers crossed your stellar night-time skills continue long into the future as kipping from 10.30-5am is a wondrous thing for Mum & Dad.

Nix 2 months vert

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  1. Sep 1, 2013 7:08 pm

    Hey Melissa, Nixon is just delicious! I love reading your blog! Just wanted to say my new wee man screamed every time we went out in the car too. It was heartbreaking and my two year old hated it as well. We could hardly hear each other if we tried to talk. I hoped he’d grow out of it and everyone would comment on how strange it was for a baby not to like the car. Anyway, in the end we bought his car seat earlier (at around 3 months) and rear faced him in that and just like magic, the crying stopped! I’m not sure if he found the capsule uncomfortable or why he hated it so much but it might be worth a try for wee Nixon too. Louie still won’t sleep in the car but at least he has stopped screaming. Good luck, I know how horrible it is!

    • Sep 1, 2013 8:32 pm

      @Sam Hill

      Hi Sam! Thanks so much for commenting, great suggestions. I have a feeling its something to do with the capsule as he is in a similar position in a little chair we have in the house and he has no time for that either.

  2. Sep 2, 2013 9:21 am

    He is a fine speciman indeed! and stay happy – oh there is nothing like it. enjoy every second x

  3. Sep 5, 2013 5:11 pm

    Love the lion collab doll and wee Nixon is gorgeous! I have 3 dolls due in the post any day now. Beyond excited. have a doll each coming for my two boys, for Christmas. And one just for me! xo