My beautiful baldy baby is now four weeks old. Unbelievable. Though some days/nights have been long the weeks have flown by. The simple fact that we somehow have an 8yo (!!!) reminds me that the years slip away just as quickly as these early weeks have. Sob.
Nixon has had his best week yet, he has up-skilled his breastfeeding technique, happily taken to a bottle for a top-up at night before he goes to bed and is sleeping like a champ {last night 10.30-4.30!!!}. He is not a morning baby however, so this part of the day is full of cuddles and cluster feeding while I try to get morning chores done. Ethan was back at school last week and we managed to get out of the house and walk him home 3 days out of the five! We also watched him play in his inter-school Rippa Rugby tournament, made it to his swimming lesson and attended Blog Camp from 9-4.30 on Saturday!
Getting out of the house is such a thrill at the moment but the thought of it fills me with dread if Im being completely honest. Nix is so unpredictable that putting him in his Ergo or the carseat results in tremendous, heart wrenching, bleating-like-a-wee-lamb crying about 50% of the time. This is particularly hard for Ethan to hear, it worries him immensely.
We have all adjusted so well to our new addition, I am really proud of our family. I honestly have never been happier in my whole life. I feel so, so lucky to have two precious boys to love on, an amazing husband to share them with and my lovely Mum to rely on whenever I need her.
Nix, you are the cuddliest wee thing I have ever known. You will sleep on me ALL day if I let you – in fact I did let you do this yesterday at Blog Camp and I didn’t miss a thing, you were so good (read: hungry and sleepy).
You pee on me when I change you about four times per day, you love having music on – early preferences are yay on The Flaming Lips and nay to Dinosaur Jr. You adore being bathed! I am sure you will be another little fish like your big brother as you can’t get enough of the water and wave your arms around and kick off the bath, content to spend as much time in the water as you are allowed.
You have put your weight loss days behind you and weighed over 4.8kg’s last week, I’m sure you’re going to crack 5kg on Tuesday when our midwife comes for her final visit.
You are a peaceful, calm little baby except when you have gas, and this is quite often. Your tummy hurts you so much sometimes but we cycle your legs and rub your belly and help you through it.
I am hoping you like to wear shoes more than your brother and aren’t quite so feral, but realistically there isn’t much hope of that.
Aug 4, 2013 7:21 pm
wonderful photos 😀
Aug 4, 2013 8:19 pm
Oh this post made me teary! Yay for being happy and blessed and for things settling down x
Aug 4, 2013 8:48 pm
He’s gorgeous, congratulations x
Aug 4, 2013 9:29 pm
Aw…….lovely to hear how you're doing. So special that E is so into his lil bro. May the good sleeping and feeding continue! xx
Aug 4, 2013 10:36 pm
Loved this post, but do you know what I loved more? Holding your wee man yesterday whilst you took a quick break. Haven't held a baby in soo many years, and he was the perfect baby-holding-drought-breaker. Thanks for coming yesterday was fab seeing you again. Vix x
Aug 5, 2013 1:29 pm
So lovely to see. Gorgeous pics.
Aug 7, 2013 3:35 pm
He is GORGEOUS! I am so glad I got the chance to meet him x