
Hottest day ever, since I have been alive at least


So I finished summer school today on the hottest day ever, wait for it……34.2 degrees Celsius…….wait for the conversion…..93.56F and 77% humidity.  That’s Florida weather!  Lucky for me (I guess) my exam room was air conditioned and I wrote up a storm.  Four essays in three hours and I went in feeling underprepared but came out thinking I nailed it.  This will be my last summer school ever!!!  I hope!!!

Anywho, here’s is a nice piece of writing, an email from the lovely Tara detailing what she misses about New Zealand;

Here’s a list of the top 10 things that I am missing about NZ:
1) The Jacks (of course!!!!, that was an obvious one)……oh yeah, and that photography paparazzi that comes with the jacks
2) the warm weather- i know it’s winter here, but come on…..does it have to rain EVERY day?
3) the beaches- i know i live right by the beach but seriously, nothing compared to NZ beaches
4) Louie- hope that he is over his depression and that his tail is high in the air
5) Mrs Balls sweet chilli sauce…….ahhh how i miss the burn on my lips
6) SNAPPER- what can i say, i love it fried, baked, grilled, taco style
7) the food selection- went grocery shopping last night and even the grocery store is more boring in America……seems like there were so many more yummy choices in NZ. going to trader Joes today in hopes of finding good curry
8) my tan :)  good thing that everyone is so pale here (being winter and all) cuz my tan is fading……or in my case flaking off
9) waking up with Ethan staring into my face, waiting patiently for me to wake up so that we can play sharks
10) having the time to read…….last time i read was on the plane ride home :(  by they way, kate winslet won an award last night for her leading role in the reader…..now i might have to see it, although nothing will be as good as rush hour 3!!!  (private xtreme camping joke).

Isn’t that the coolest list ever, we love you too Tara xxxx

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