
“I don’t know how you do it Mum”.


Ethan said this to me about 4kms into my run yesterday.  We preempted a bit of a lazy day for him and insisted he accompany me on his bike.  He usually just “gaps it” – his words – completes the distance as quickly as possible and I see him back at the house.  Yesterday he stuck with me over the course as my Support Person, was very sweet.  He hadn’t come with me in a while, so maybe he was a little surprised at my progress?  More likely was that he had been watching me stumble along for 4 kilometres and was genuinely amazed that someone who looked so ungainly and dead on their feet was actually still managing to put one foot in front of the other!

Either way it was just nice that he noticed something unrelated to himself.  Selflessness is an important quality to cultivate, yet it seems to be a touch slow in blooming and living with a big-little person consumed by their own agenda is exhausting!  He is such a lovely, lovely boy but we are butting heads continuously right now!

He made me think about why I am running though.  I hurt right now.  I have some painful runners condition that starts with P affecting my heel/arch in my right foot causing me to hobble around like an old women for the first 10 minutes of my day, every day.  Google suggests this is a result of a change in exercise frequency and intensity – yes, hill running – yes, excessive jandal wearing – guilty.

 The reason I’m running isn’t actually getting measured on the scales, though I wish it were!  See I haven’t lost any weight at all over the past two months.  My clothes are fitting so much better so I’m finding consolation in that and in how much better I feel playing touch rugby.  Being so much fitter than I was at the start of the season has improved my confidence so much that now I feel like I’m totally ‘in’ the game rather than just one of the token 3 girls on the field.  Small things right?  Often they can be the biggest motivators.

Dave and I refreshed our runners this weekend so hopefully the pain comes to end after a few km’s in these loud and proud NB sneaks.  As a child of the eighties it blows my mind to see these fluoro hues come blasting back for another go-around.  The last thing I remember wearing that was this blinding was a multicoloured rah-rah skirt and matching scissor-clip circa F2 disco.  Good times!

Have a wonderful week everyone, make yourself proud x

Running Mummy Blog NZ

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  1. Feb 23, 2015 5:26 pm

    I am the world's ugliest runner- wearing the sweaty beetroot red face of shame so I am sure I make you look amazing! I got fitted for shoes and the bases COLLAPSED so now I have a minor knee injuries and can't run for a week at least. Love that. My new shoes are flouro delights as well and I can't wait to try them out xox