
I’m sitting down, but what should I really be doing?


6.00 – First alarm (ignored)
6.21 – Boy alarm (tried to ignore but much more persistent)

6.30 – Up, dogs out, dogs in, blinds opened (why bother it’s still dark)

6.45 –  Shower

7.00 – 8.10 – Feed child, dress, ensure child is clean-ish, throw a disgusting ass can of soup in bag with 2 day old roll for lunch.  {{{NEVER eat canned soup again}}}}

8.15 – After barricading dogs in dog-proof area of house leave for school and work.

8.20 – Pay for tomorrow nights disco at School office with eftpos because I don’t have any cash.  At least I remembered about the disco (dammit I forgot about the disco and have scheduled cuz and auntie to pick up our car we have just sold them, must reschedule).

8.45-2pm – Work

2.30 – Pick up child and child’s BFF for the week who is coming over for a play-date.  Forgot about parent interviews when I scheduled play-date 1 week ago.

2.40 – Parent interviews with child’s teacher.  All good, but his strong “moral compass” is turning him into a tell-tale-tit.  But he’s a small genius right?

3pm-4.10 – Feed child and his +1, put laundry on, hang out {{{I’m a laundry optimist, it was windy!}}}, empty dishwasher, put roast chicken in oven, unpack school bag, make beds, hose off muddy children and get them dressed for rugby training.

4.15 – Drop boys off at training, chit-chat and try not to look at watch

4.30 – Go to mums wash old car, have rescheduled sale of it for tonight so we can disco tomorrow.

6.00 – Arrive back at home, Dave has picked up child, showered him and made risotto and veges to go with chicken LOVE!  Eat, endure tired boy paddy.



How was your day?




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