
It's what's for dinner: Home Made Spring Rolls

Baked, not fried!

Baked, not fried!

So if you are looking for something new, delish, cheap and easy for dinner, try my spring roll recipe – yes, this is my own creation

You will need:

  • 1 of those double-banger full chicken breasts
  • half a cabbage
  • As much onion as you want, I used 1/2
  • Ginger
  • As much carrot as you want, I used 1
  • Garlic
  • Cilantro
  • Soy sauce
  • Peanut butter
  • Spring roll pastry (look in the freezer with the other pastry at the supermarket, I got a pack of 24 for $2.99 at Countdown)

1.  Chop the chicken into smallish slivers / chunks, you could be very sensible and buy chicken mince but all I had was breast in the freezer

2.  Heat tablespoon of oil in a wok, throw in your chopped onion, garlic and lots of ginger,

3.  Add chicken a splash of soy sauce to coat and a tablespoon of peanut butter.  Stir up the goodness.  Add cilantro

4.  Once the chicken is almost cooked (this will be quick) add the chopped cabbage and slivered carrot, cook until soft

5.  Place a spring roll wrapper in front of you angled like a diamond with the point at your belly, spoon a line of filling onto the pastry, roll it up, fold the ends in and roll all the way.  You might need to wet the edges of the pastry square to get them to stick

6.  Now here is where you have a choice, you can eat them fresh, fry them in oil……or do what we did and bake them in the oven.  They still tasted fab and my thighs didn’t suffer too much!

These are kid friendly, Ethan devoured them and told us it was his favourite dinner [since last night].

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  1. Oct 23, 2009 8:47 am

    Hi there!

    These sound so yummy and I'm going to try them on the weekend. I did a google search for a spring roll recipe, so I can make them with Miss 11 and this was one that came up and it sounds better than the other ones!

    Looking forward to giving them a go.

    Thanks 🙂
