Oh Jam, how you have consumed my life for two days. As I was deciding on my annual Christmas cooking you were suggested by Dave ever so casually, almost as if I make Jam all the time. A willy-nilly Jam maker I am not. I have in fact only ever made something to preserve in jars once before – a delightfully colourful and tasty Beetroot Chutney, so I am still quite nervous about adequate sterilisation, the necessity of a water-bath blah blah blah.
Shall we make some Jam?
Step 1: You will need 1kg of jammy fruit, this will make 3-4 jars. I have used Strawberries and BlackberrieStep 4: Add 6 cups of sugar to berries. Make sure you are using a heavy bottomed pan or pot as the mixture is going to get HOTs in this batch, HUGE price difference. I got Jam Strawberries from a grower for $2 per kg, whereas the blackberries were $10 per kg (but totally worth it!).
Step 2: Hull the strawberries. I actually googled what this meant as I had no idea – just cut the stem / leaf and white part out of the end
Step 3: Mash the berries. You don’t need to go hard out and smash them to a pulp, just a light mash is fine and I didn’t bother at all with the blackberries
Step 4: Add 6 cups of sugar to berries. Make sure you are using a heavy bottomed pan or pot as the mixture is going to get HOT
Step 5: Bring to a good rolling boil, stir frequently for 5 min. Add 1.5 teaspoons of tartaric acid, boil for at least another 5 min – I did at least 10 minutes
Step 6: When jam is good and boiled funnel it into your sterilised, still-warm jars almost to the top and seal (as you can see I have made my own funnel!). I then boiled my jars in a water bath for 10 min. Once the jam has cooled the little poppers on the lid will suck down and you will know that you have a good seal.
Step 7: I got a small square of Christmas fabric from Spotlight to make covers for the lids and printed some labels.
And that is how you make jam everyone! It is sooo delish, the boys love the strawberry but I can’t get enough of the blackberry on my toast. I plan on giving these as gifts with homemade shortbread.
Dec 22, 2009 9:46 am
I think I love you! I'm going to do this!!
.-= MadWoman´s last blog ..Anissa, Jaden and a whole lot blogging world love =-.
Dec 22, 2009 10:11 pm
Wow. No matter how simple it looks? Jam making always impresses me.
Dec 22, 2009 11:19 pm
looks delish!
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