My children and food are a team that function best when they are together – all the time. The thought of leaving our house, child in tow, without multiple snacks gives me the shakes. It’s a truly terrifying scenario.
Not all snacks are created equal however. This is of critical importance when one of your children is a Toddler/Warlock/Shapeshifter. In this instance you’re really going to have to sharpen up your mind-reading skills to ensure accuracy when deciphering the exact type of snack required at the optimal time to avoid any catastrophic failures (of either the parenting or toddler-meltdown variety!).
Variables to consider when pondering snack selection include;
- Location – home, car, hiking pack (snack in hair?)
- Audience – who will witness snack consumption? Other Mums? (judgey), your Mother-in-Law? (opinionated), your other children? (disastrous if snack distribution is uneven – you have been warned!)
- Situation – Doctors office (ewwww the germs!), mall, playground (hallelujah, put your crumbs errryywhere child!)
I’m 11 years into my journey of snack discovery and feel like I’m finally hitting my stride. I’ve made administrative changes – shopping list must-haves, legislative changes – no crumbly food in the car and my nutritional awareness has increased greatly over the past few years when it comes to making better food choices for my kids.
A definite winner in my search for the ‘perfect’, ‘easily transportable’, ‘not too messy’, ‘not full of sugar’ snack-on-the-run is the pouch range from Anchor Uno. The boys have been enjoying these in a number of different ways over the past couple of months and they have now become a supermarket staple. Nixon will often do a yoghurt warm-up before his 2nd breakfast, Ethan will grab one as he’s running out the door to rugby practice and I pop a pouch in my purse when heading out with Nix to run errands.
In our household we prefer a ‘low sugar’ approach to food over a ‘no sugar’ mandate. In my opinion, non-essential exclusion diets don’t teach kids how to listen to their bodies, don’t allow them to develop their own discretion nor learn anything about how to eat a moderate diet.
Making smart choices at the supermarket makes everything easier back at home, so familiarising yourself with nutritional labels and purchasing products with the lowest sugar content in each category is a habit we all need to practice. It helps of course when the kids favourite yoghurt is also the lowest sugar, fruit flavoured yoghurt on the market – nice job Anchor Uno. There’s between 5.7 and 7.1 grams of sugar in each pouch depending on which flavour you choose! (FYI, strawberry contains the least sugar per serve).
Find out more about Uno yoghurt, including the unique recycling initiative and fundraising opportunities here
Win with Anchor Uno!
Comment below to go in the draw to win a month’s supply of Ancho Uno plus 1 x Red Yumbox Bento style Lunchbox, 1 x set of Lunch Punch Sandwich Cutters and 1 x Camelbak Kids Eddy Drink Bottle!
Competition closes 13/6/16 at 10pm. NZ residents only.
This post was made possible by Anchor Uno, whom my kids truthfully can’t contemplate life without lol. No kidding. They love those green yoghurt pouches!