
You know I should………


…………….go to bed, it’s 10.05pm on Sunday night, everyone else is asleep, but, EVERYONE ELSE IS ASLEEP!  EVEN THE BABY!  Too good to waste.

…………….do at least 100 sit-ups, easy baby weight is long gone, the rest is going to be hard work.  Sigh.

…………….finish that crochet blanket for Nix that is 99% done before it’s too darn hot for him to ever use it.

…………….remove my makeup each night before bed but I can never be bothered, gross I know

…………….drink more water each day as I’m always parched at night

…………….spend more time with my friends but life gets in the way, I miss ya’ll!

…………….not eat so much chocolate {before lunch!}, quite hard when Dave brought home 3 different king size blocks from grocery shopping this week.  I think he is trying to sabotage point #2!!

…………….actually attempt my Spring Cleaning plan of spending a day in each room thoroughly cleaning it – my allergies are playing up just thinking about dusting ::::shudder::::

…………….try to spend more time writing on my blog than thinking about writing on my blog, anyone with me on this one?

…………….spend more time commenting on all of your blogs that I LOVE, there are so many of you kiwi girls whose blogs I devour throughout the day while feeding Nix, I WILL try harder I promise x


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  1. Sep 10, 2013 1:37 am

    Be kind to yourself…sometimes the “I should’s” should just wait til another day. 🙂

  2. Sep 10, 2013 8:19 am

    One day at a time! This time of your life will be over before you know it – there will be time for other stuff soon! 🙂