
Labour Day Weekend | The Family Roadie ‘Up North’


Like millions of Aucklanders {ok thousands?} we left town and headed north for the first long weekend since winter began.

The winter of The Newborn has now passed, we all survived and enjoyed the days inside sheltering from the rain and cold and getting to know our wee Nixon.  But, it’s time to get outside and boy am I ready to enjoy the warmer weather!  We certainly did that last weekend, spending 95% of the glorious 4 days outside {the other 5% was spent perusing op-shops and an Antique Fair!!!}.  The boys caught eels, got up at 5.30am for a dawn fishing mission, trimmed trees, drove the go-kart went rock-pooling, Ethan and the dogs swam – IN THE OCEAN!  I pretty much relaxed, hung out with Mum, drank cider and bought Crown Lynn.  A most excellent way to welcome spring and day-dream about summer xx

On Friday afternoon Mum and I were checking out the many second hand stores in town, in one I got quite excited as there was a wee bounty of geometric patterned Crown Lynn plates and I wanted to begin building up a hodgepodge dinner set.  The stores owner was showing me where she had more CL tucked away in another corner when the unthinkable happened – I broke all the things.  That nightmare of breaking something in a shop that we have all had?  It happened to me. I knocked over a leaning tower of two side tables topped with a tray holding 15 vintage lustre egg-cups.  12 of them smashed to smithereens on the concrete floor priced at $15 each.  Mum was holding Nix and just walked out of the shop – probably because she was trying not to laugh at me, I was a blithering mess.  What is the protocol in such a situation?  Luckily there wasn’t a sign that said “You break it, you pay for it”.  The owner was very gracious and said she knew it was a total accident, she was leading me through the bloody maze after all.  Worst. Shopping. Moment. Ever.

Unpacking and getting the family back on track after a long weekend is also quite a process.  There is the washing to do, the dog to pick-up, the groceries to re-stock, the lawns to mow, the glazier to call to fix the $170 window you smashed to get in the house because the hole your husband tried to drill through the lock didn’t release the tumblers failing to provide you with a way to get IN to your house because because you somehow lost the keys for BOTH of the screen doors.  Which you have never locked before but seemed a good idea at the time of departure.

New deadbolt is now on the to-do list.

It’s good to be home, isn’t it?

Labour weekend 1 Labour weekend 2


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  1. Oct 31, 2013 11:55 am

    Looks great and lovely weather for it! I laughed and laughed about the keys and window… it's always the way isn't it 🙂

  2. Nov 4, 2013 8:12 pm

    Well that was an interesting weekend – highs and lows! Looks like a great break away though xx