I was on my way home from a fab Cocktails & Canapes Baby Shower last night when Dave called from work and said he had finished early and why didn’t I join him for a going away party for one of the staff at the bar.
Twist my rubber arm.
Some observations from the evening;
- Jason Mraz impersonators may strike at any time, complete with full gesticulating dance moves and a flawless performance fully focused on the mini-skirted, pool-playing hottie he is trying to bed. Mraz impersonators are oblivious to the stares and admiration of others, when I’m Yours plays, they are in the zone.
- Random chick I may or may not know “That girl is way too tall for that dress, someone should tell her” Me “You’re way too tall for your skirt and you’re a midget. Bad outfits are contagious around this place”
- A covers band that plays Toto, Kenny Loggins, Dire Straights, Oasis and many other pearls may sound like a good idea at the time, but calls many strange creatures out into the night. Some who answered the call of 80’s synth-pop have never been seen before on the North Shore. Awe-inspiring people watching.
- Smokers are incredibly rude and loser-y. Major social fail.
- 18 is way too young to be out in a bar with Mraz impersonators and shock-and-awe creatures of the night
- Supre has a lot to answer for, dressing girls like K Road hookers lost in time IS NOT FASHIONABLE people