
My Beef & Zucchini Lasagna Recipe

Beef Zucchini Lasagna Recipe

So everyone has their fail-safe lasagna recipe and mine will be no better than yours, just saying I made my personal best tonight!  Yes, this is the quick-ish working Mum version in which my sauce is made from cans, not fresh.  So shoot me.

You will need;

1 onion

500 grams minced beef

1 diced zucchini


1 small can tomato paste

1 can diced tomatoes

1 can Watties Pasta sauce

Italian seasonings, or fresh basil, parsley and oregano

Cracked black pepper


1 pack of fresh lasagna sheets or the crispy kind

2 tubs of Ricotta or one if your stingy or dieting I guess

1 egg

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg


Grated cheese

  1. Brown mince in pan with diced onion, garlic and zucchini + black pepper, drain excess oil from pan
  2. In a large pot combine all tomatoey ingredients, pepper, salt, fresh herbs or Italian seasoning, add browned meat etc, simmer with lid on for 30min at least.
  3. Dump ricotta into mixing bowl add egg and nutmeg and some grated cheese if you want.  Mix well.
  4. Using some kind of ladle apparatus, scoop sauce so it covers the bottom of your lasagne dish.
  5. Add first layer of pasta
  6. Spread 1/2ish of your ricotta mixture over the top
  7. sprinkle parmesan, then add a layer of grated cheese, sauce, pasta etc
  8. Go as high as your pan can take until you run out of mix, finish with a healthy layer of grated cheese with parmesan over the top.
  9. Bake covered with tinfoil for 25-30, remove tinfoil and bake for another 25-30 until crispy and bubbly and a bit crunchy on top.
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  1. Nov 14, 2009 11:48 am

    Testing comment function