


Best Blog Spam of the Week

I would like to present my site:
Alprazolam Alprazolam Ambien Ambien Ativan Ativan Biaxin Biaxin CarisoprodolCarisoprodol Cipro Cipro Clomid Clomid Clonazepam Clonazepam Codeine CodeineDiazepam Diazepam
Thank you!
Bye to everyone!

Hmm, your list of available narcotics is …..ok…..but where’s the rest of the alphabet, what about Mummy’s Little Helpers? V is for Valium and X is for Xanax.  You are doing the drug trade a huge diservice by only stocking products A-D!

Facebook Status of the Week

Obama CondomsDude I saw Dudes on the street selling Obama Condoms, with the tag line “a stimulus package for hard times.” Made my day.

New Website Lurve

This site is gorgeous.  Beautiful images, engaging articles and a huge range of surf related content without all the bro-brah. www.driftsurfing.com


My week in tweets

Mike Havoc on bfm talking about new Black Crows album: “this is what Kings of Leon would sound like if they weren’t too busy modelling” amen3:59 PM Oct 9th from web

It’s only a SMALL bourbon & coke5:10 PM Oct 9th from web

There is a fishing rod IN my bed and I watched Bill Hohepa Goes Troppo this afternoon.ARE YOU STARTING TO UNDERSTAND MY LIFE? That child9:06 PM Oct 9th from web

It is possible that there are any Aucklanders who have not mowed their lawns today? HELLO SUN!

2:54 PM Oct 11th from Power Twitter

Goodnight #aisling, never forget your little ones New Zealand xxxx11:12 PM Oct 12th from web

Boxer dog dragged new bag of potting mix to middle of lawn then ripped and shredded it. Laugh or cry?

1:18 PM Oct 14th from web

::::::YAY!!!::::: whispers quietly that husbands fishing contest has been cancelled this weekend

about 8 hours ago from web

OMG we named our Shi Tzu after you Captain Lou Albano & now your dead. RIP wrestle-man

about 8 hours ago from web


Spread the love



  1. Oct 17, 2009 5:21 pm

    Love that facebook status. Too funy!