
Our Summer of Frugality


We had another awesome no-spend day today, as is my goal most days it seems!  Luckily there is heaps to do around here so it is quite easy to plan adventures that keep Ethan amused and happy.

Today we borrowed our landlords kayak which has a child’s seat (score) and drove to the dock at the end of our street to head up river for the first time.  It was stunning, I can’t believe we have lived here for 7 months and never been on the river.  The quiet was astounding and surprising considering how close we live to the city.  The river was warm and alive, we saw mullet jumping, herons diving and many elusive bait biters that Ethan couldn’t quite get in the boat.  It was a glorious paddle with much precious time with my boys.

Kayaking 002

Kayaking 041

Kayaking 027

Kayaking 020

Kayaking 005

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  1. Jan 10, 2010 11:22 am

    Wow! That's at the endof your street??? Soooo jealous! 🙂

  2. Jan 10, 2010 3:59 pm

    It's 32 degrees here right now. Coldest Florida January I remember, ever. I can't wait to get back in the gheenoe with my boys this summer, love the pics, love the Jacks!
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