
Project 365 * Day 17: Rainbow Shark


Rainbow Shark

It may appear to be celebrating the diversity of gay sharks, but this picture Ethan coloured today is pretty big news in the Jack house.  Ethan doesn’t ‘do’ arty creative colouring like this.  He is a man of science, and prior to this sharks have always been grey, he has also never taken creative licence and drawn teeth on a picture that didn’t already have teeth, because they wouldn’t be just perfect.  I love this picture so much because he stopped worry about everything he knows about sharks and just decided to make something look ‘funky’ –  that’s what he kept saying,  ‘Mama, does my shark look funky?’ .  Damn right it does precious. 

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  1. Jul 6, 2009 9:34 pm

    Hey Mel, Dave and Ethan, haven't seen you since the big party the other weekend so thought I'd check in and see what you've been up to. Ah I do love reading the updates of your entire lives… But no good to hear you have been sick Mel. Hope you kicked it. Anyways school hols now so am avail for catch up Tuesdays and Thursdays. Let me know coz Scarlett wants to catch up with E-dog. xxx

  2. Jul 9, 2009 6:49 am

    I got goosebumps. Love that dang ole shark and want to tat it upon my bod. With Ethan's approval of course.

    Think he could do a similar version of a scorpion for D?