
Style | BH Cosmetics


I’m probably way behind the play on this one – as per usual, but after confessing my fear of lipstick to a fellow blogger/tweep she recommended I try a lip palette from BH Cosmetics.  The reviews are seriously amazing for ALL of their products, I even found a fellow kiwi reviewer raving about their foundation primer.  After a traumatic passport photo experience on Monday {the photo just about makes me cry every time I think of it} I have vowed to step up my game and not look so damn wretched, washed out and horsey!

I have ordered the lip palette below, a bronzer and primer for $60NZD including shipping so will let you know what I think!

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  1. Jun 21, 2012 10:35 am

    I spent yesterday afternoon half watching/listening to eye makeup application videos on youtube!
    I’ve just ordered ‘primer’ as well but I buy most .. all .. of my makeup and perfume now from strawberrynet. They have some brilliant specials 🙂