Anniversary Day has passed, as has our five days at the beach.
We have swam, snorkeled, fished, skateboarded and dog-walked (having the little dogs with us has been so lovely!). We have market-ed, Op-shopped, perused the aisles of many 4 Squares and enjoyed a multitude of bakery delights – hello Cheese Sticks!
We have caught up with family and Dave got to enjoy the local nightlife at the tavern with my cousin. Ethan has not been in particularly fine form but some days have been better than others, luckily Mum understands Ethan to a T otherwise I think she would have run for the hills long ago!
I am fairly certain I have grown a good metre around in all directions including my ass and crashed a bit toward the end of our stay, leaving the beaching to Mum, Dave and E while I have napped and read – holidays definitely are not just about doing, equally important is the not doing (which I am rather a fan of).