
Sunday Love


Whoa. One week down of Dave’s European tour and we made it. Missing him terribly but loving being able to talk to him twice a day on Face Time.

Ethanand I Facetiming

I am such a sucker for a good bridge photo.  Love Aucks x

Auckland Harbour Bridge

Soooo excited about spring!  Hurrah, admittedly we skipped 3 weeks of winter but I think the general manic pace of 2012 for our family has made winter hustle along quite nicely.

Spring bud

I LOVE these friends so much.  You really are a bunch of nutters, and we have SO much fun xx


Loving Saturday nights with clean sheets and vege garden planning to do.  I am my nana, I fully realize this.


Loving this rugby club and all it gives our son, family and neighbourhood.  Ethan played his first full field, 15 aside game under lights on Friday night.  What a hoot, the boys had such a wicked time.


Finally, loving my ‘Forget-me-knot’ Pandora charm Dave surprised me with the day he left.  I really do have the sweetest husband in the world.  Man thinks of everything I tell ya.


Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

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  1. Sep 5, 2012 10:09 am

    Cool photos this week! Love the bridge, and the rugby under lights. Hope the rest of the time without your man passes quickly! 🙂