

Friday love

Lawn mowed, weed eating done time to weekend!  Mum and I busted ass this afternoon and got our outside chores out of the way before the inevitable rain returns.

September, like every other month this year is just flying by.  I get to the end of the week to write these posts and look in my camera roll, for the first time ever I am struggling to remember to take pictures even!

I have snapped a few though, and have found a couple from Dave’s iPad that have ended up on our photo stream – he is now in Milan, MUCH happier than he was in Rome.

The Block is over but our own reno has kicked into gear again this week.  The laundry’s makeover has finally begun – floor to ceiling cupboards are being built to fill in the big waste of space that is our laundry/thoroughfare through the house.  Can’t wait for all of that extra storage!  I also {finally} made a decision on the ventilation system, so a Mitsubishi Lossnay system is going in next Friday, and we have signed off on the water/sewer/drainlaying quote so we are soon about to be very broke.


Also loving surprise packages thanks to being a mummy blogger!  More on that later….


This Chinese Elm side cabinet is perfect, but I want it for a TV cabinet.  What do we think?  I’m loving it, the price is better than the ‘new’ option I’m also considering, but I think I’m put off by the sheer mass of it.  It is a serious piece of furniture.


Though Lou has been a particularly Bad Dog this week, I adore this picture of Ethan and his pup.  This is the ‘before’ shot.  Lou was outside the groomer and looks like a yeti no longer.  Spring cleaning includes the dogs in this house!


Loving catching little glimpses of Dave’s European Adventure through my photo stream.  How rico suave is this little hotel snack?

Daves Italian Hotel Dinner

This pic also appeared in the photo stream, sneaky Dave taking screen shots of us chatting.  We miss you SO much!  22 days to go x


Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

Summer’s finally here and it’s a hot one

……..but don’t think for a second that you might catch me complaining, I wait for 8 months of the year for this season.  I bitch and moan and detest winter and autumn because they are cold and rainy, I hate spring because it is so close to summer and often drags on far too long (like this past spring for example), so when the tar on the road is melting and the vege garden needs watering morning and night I WILL NOT COMPLAIN.

Plus we now have a pool.

Dog Control………Where you need it most

So I recently spent $99 on registering our guard dog Louie with our new local council.  This is the type of burn-your-money expenditure that comes with dog ownership and that is a fact of life.  However, we received in the mail today a Dog Owners Welcome pack, sent out by the council.  How nice!  It explained the dog bylaws, had info about puppy training classes and other useful ways to waste paper – I gave you my email address people!

All that aside, I did skim read the material and was especially intrigued by the section on dog control;


Hmmmm, yes.  Control of dogs in public places – very important.  But what’s that?  Is that a sticker…..right there….



Ahhh, that’s what I thought it was meant to say!  I often worry about dog control in pubic places and now I can rest easy knowing that there is a desktop publishing saboteur working for my local council who has put my fears out there, at the fore of every dog owner in the district!


August on the farm

 I can’t remember ever feeling this acutely aware of the change of seasons.  Perhaps it was harder to notice in the suburbs, it was more difficult to hear the birds, you never saw the baby animals or noticed the buds on the huge old trees which have been naked for the past three months.  But the last week has been so full of life around here that it is impossible not to notice something brand new in every corner of the farm;
New blooms up the driveway

New blooms up the driveway

New blooms behind the playhouse

New blooms behind the playhouse

Bad-ass escaping chicken

Bad-ass escaping chicken

  I cannot be held responsible for this chickens life if she insists on running the gauntlet that is my murderous Shi-Tzu.  He can only resist so much temptation.

Louie’s other favourite past-time is barking at the loudest cows in the world.  He barks, they moo.  It goes on for hours AND I HATE IT but it is 100x better than listening to boy racers.  
Lou is looking super stylee in his fluro orange, chenille knitted sweater, Mum bought it for lil Marl but she said it was too big, hmmmmm
The King of all Dogs - this one should be on a calendar

The King of all Dogs - this one should be on a calendar

If he was an entertainer, he might be the construction worker from the Village People

If he was an entertainer, he might be the construction worker from the Village People

nobodys gonna break my stride, nobodys gonna slow me down oh no Ive got to keep on moving!

"no-body's gonna break my stride, no-body's gonna slow me down oh no I've got to keep on moving!" - I could totally see him mouthing the words to that song as he was pulling his ears back for more speed

Fine then.  You wont smile - Ill MAKE you smile

Fine then. You wont smile - I'll MAKE you smile

Ethan is having a few problems with Louie at the moment, basically stemming from the fact that Lou is a dog and Ethan WANTS to be a dog.  It’s like reverse-racism, or species-ism I guess.  Ethan loves dogs so much he just wants to be one and I guess Louie just isn’t living the dream as much as Ethan thinks he should be;











For all of their problems, Louie is still Ethan’s best [only] brother, and Louie loves him most of the time;
Every-body’s happy that it is warmer.  I’m happy because I have dried 8 loads of washing on the line in 3 days and my boy is SUPER happy;
The End.

The End.

Project 365 * Day 1: Stuck

Lou loves soccer, he is very good at dribbling but he can’t seem to get his head around how to score a goal.  He seems perplexed.  I hope this isn’t a symptom of more serious issues.  I thought since we moved to the farm that we had dealt with his depression and doggy-Prozac wasn’t going to be needed.  We can get through this together Lou, I promise.

Haircut #2

Lou had a close call this week.  His fur grows like a weed, and being recessionary times I figured that surely I could give him a trim myself rather than pay $50 for a trip to the groomers?  Yeah-no.  Seeing as how I don’t own a set of dog clippers I took to my poor Shi-Tzu with scissors, his flank very quickly began to look terraced like I was trying to cut rice-paddy fields into his fur or something.  Quickly realizing the error of my ways, I bundled Ethan and Lou into the car and rushed to our dog groomer.  She was busy, and fully booked until after Easter.  Obviously Louie couldn’t be seen out in public looking like he’d been attacked by one of the Torbay crazies.  With no other option and after a few harried phone calls, Debbie told me that the Nose-to-Tail dog salon hires clippers for $15.  I was taking Lou’s luscious locks into my own hands again.  Luckily it all worked out well and Lou looks like a million bucks.  It took me an hour and a half, but hey $15 = bargain.

Lou's New Do

How many dogs & Jacks can you fit in a Pulsar?

The answer is Molly, Marley, Louie, Ethan, Dave and I.  We took the pups out to Muriwai last weekend for lunch on the beach to lament the end of daylight saving and to celebrate the fact that dogs can go on the beach all day now!  Everyone had such a good time, little Marl surprised us by swimming in the rock pools and ocean – he was charging it!  Lou bear just watched the water play of course but was loving having his cuzzies from the farm to play with.

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