This day. These hours.

I have been selfishly pining for this day all week. I have; silence light rain an empty house and holy shit does it feel good. Dave spent the week working in Wellington and upon his return yesterday, Nixon gave him a cursory glance and a quick high five then resumed following me around, tugging on my shirt, standing on my …

My Boys, Mummy Blogger New Zealand

The Boy/Girl Conundrum

Before finishing off Nixie’s Christmas Shopping yesterday, I was enjoying a bit of downtime getting my nails done and chatting away to the nail tech.  We were {of course} discussing our kids and their Christmas wish lists.  She was so sad to hear that I had two boys and commiserated over this fact for what seemed like forever! I have …

Rexona Invisible Dry Review

Being PRESENT means learning not to sweat the small stuff

Thanks to Rexona Invisible Dry for sponsoring this post – originally published on nzgirl I am a Mum.  I am also a stay-at-home Mum. Every choice you make as a mother comes at a cost; the equal and opposite alternative to your decision to stay at home or go to work will always be there, niggling a little on those …

Baby at the beach

Get. Out. Side.

After a slightly bumpy start to the weekend involving husband away on a work project, bronchitis, being locked out of the house, bleeding/vomiting dogs, dogs shitting on carpet, grumpy-ass children, children weeing on carpet……culminating in Fish ‘n Chips and bourbon on Saturday night, I woke up on Sunday and told myself “today is going to rock”.  And then I told …

Your baby will sleep…….I promise

Thanks so much to Sovereign for sponsoring this post.  As part of their #lifetakecharge campaign Sovereign have identified sleep, along with eating well, exercise and happiness, as four essential pillars to well being and I couldn’t agree more! Sleep (and in many cases, the lack thereof) can be all consuming, markedly more so when you are juggling your own sleep requirements with those of …

The Age Gap = A Very L O N G Week

  Pass the wine.   For the past 13 months I have been self-righteously patting myself on the back, mentally high-fiving because the huge age gap between our kids has been a huge non-event.  And truth be told it hasn’t been difficult in any of the ways one would expect; Ethan has not been jealous of his little at all …


The Life Cyclone. You know, it’s just like yours right?

Oh this week. Oh every. single. day of this marathon week of crapness. Currently on day 12 of massive sinus infection.  Dave took the day off on Tuesday as I was completely useless and took my ass to the doctor.  I cried in the waiting room and I blubbed in the doctors office about how every fibre of my being …