Welcome to The Mummy Make-up Project! I’m five years shy of 40 and after 20 years of clueless make-up application, 2015 is the year of turning drab to fab. I’m going to find the best skincare and make-up products, share them with you and actually learn how to use them. I would love your advice along the way as well as your support – I’m sure I’m not the only Mummy out there who is completely clueless about make-up!
So, a couple of weeks ago I kicked off The Mummy Make-up Project by asking for your opinions on the BEST mascara on my Fb page. You guys were into it! Many had strong favourites but even more of you were also looking for advice on a new lash BFF. The only mascara I have ever used is ye ol’ faithful, Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof mascara. After 20 years of service it’s time to retire the old girl in search of something a little more ‘new millenium’.
Overwhelmingly you all recommended I try Benefit’s They’re Real! Mascara and the Goddess Mascara from cruelty free brand Eye of Horus. I purchased both of these products with my own husbands hard earned cash, so rest assured this is not a sponsored review.
I ordered both mascaras online, the Benefit from Smith & Caughey’s RRP$45 + $5 shipping and the Eye of Horus from their website RRP$44 +$4.50 shipping. Both were despatched super quickly and received in excellent condition. During the trial week I wore the Benefit mascara on my left eye and Eye of Horus on my right – 7 days of faffing around with two different products! See what I do in the name of science! You. Are. Welcome.
Benefit They’re real! Mascara
Ok, this mascara has some huge fans out there, ladies love this product so I was expecting BIG things. I wasn’t disappointed. They’re Real! delivers some long lashes on initial, one swipe application. The brush is a rubbery, spiky looking thing which is WAY different to the bristly, brushy Great Lash and this, I have come to believe over the past week, makes all the difference. I had no problem with panda eyes, even after a swimming lesson with Nixon involving huge bombs in my face, I barely had any black under my eye. I also had no trouble removing this mascara at night with the miracle product that is micellar water. Though, in all fairness, I doubt there is much that could withstand a few cotton ball swipes of micellar! {review coming soon}.
One thing which irked was that big clump on the end of the brush – you can see it in the image. There are bristles right on the end of the brush which serve no purpose to me but to exacerbate clumping. This was honestly the only negative in an otherwise amazing product. I particularly loved how quick drying it was so no black marks on your lids from blinking.
Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara
Like the Benefit, Eye of Horus mascara has it’s own cult following. I’ve heard professional makeup artists swear by it and those cruelty-free gals get quivering knees at the mere mention of EOH! So what’s all the fuss about? Again, the brush is brilliant. Same rubbery, spikey stylus, but…..look at that concave in the middle of the brush! I have no idea why this makes a difference, but to my very unprofessional hand, it feels easier to apply, like I’m less likely to slip and smear it around my eye. After more than a week of daily use, almost zero visible product on the brush. That’s pretty impressive I think. Overall I had less clumps with the EOH than They’re Real! but, it takes a few seconds longer to dry so I did have to fix a few lash marks on my lids over the week. It doesn’t go on quite as long with one swipe, however after a couple more strokes there is no difference between the two products. Again, I survived swimming with no panda eyes and was easily able to remove EOH at night with my Garnier Micellar water.
Overall, both mascara’s are just light years ahead of the Maybelline Great Lash I was using, check out the vintage brush on pinky! Ugh. Her only saving grace was her staying power, but these new generation mascaras can definitely hang without the specified ‘waterproof’ formulation.
So which would I purchase again? The Mascara Showdown has been won by Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara. I SO loved this product, the formulation is 10/10 with NO clumping plus that brush has curves in all the right places. My lashes have never looked better, or longer. If you were wondering, I am convinced that mascara is definitely one beauty product worth spending a wee bit more on, those brushes don’t lie ladies!
Mar 21, 2015 2:16 pm
Super proud to have been one of the first Beauty Therapy salons in NZ to bring Eye of Horus to NZ eyelashes! LOVE it !! !! Next try the eyeliners
Mar 21, 2015 11:01 pm
I will! xx