So much to love right now and so few photos to show! Highly unlike me.
I am loving quick and easy bacon, chicken, brie frittata for Friday night dinner, so yum there was no leftovers : (I am loving little pieces of boy that I find around the house in odd places. He is not a “lie on the floor and play” kinda kid. He plays standing up 90% of the time so window-sills, bench tops and mantle pieces are often victims of Ninjago onslaughts.
I’m loving these two idiots. Furry Shi-Tzus are excellent winter companions xHow handsome, I die over this pic. Lady killer huh?
I’m really loving finding new places for ‘old’ things in our new house.
So, so happy that I found snippets of time this weekend to finish the freaking Hunger Games trilogy. Book 1 was a fast absorbing read; it was downhill from there. The Mockingjay dragged and dragged. The Game of Thrones series is loaded on my Kindle and ready to go, onwards to a REAL series!
Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
May 28, 2012 7:37 pm
Hi and thanks for joining up with Things I’m Loving, so great to have you join us. Lots to love here, your dishy wee guy for one, and I totally agree with your conclusion re The Hunger Games. I devoured them one after the other but they did get progressively worse! I’m a little scared of embarking on Game of Thrones (despite loving the TV show) in case they are too much hard work. You’ll have to let me know how you get on! Meg 🙂