
Things I’m Loving

Antler Chandelier

This week was definitely a long-short week.  This weekend on the other hand has flown by with the usual flurry of DIY {we painted Mum’s office/dressing room, family {we dined with my brother Hadyn and his fiance Jo as she leaves for Chicago to begin wedding prep on Wednesday!!!} and shopping {it felt like we were out all day today but we crossed a lot of things off the to-do list}.

I am LOVING Dave Jack in his new denim jacket.  I have had my Levi’s denim jacket for 15 years now and it is still a classic – I wore it last night in fact!

Lower - Sheepskin Denim Jacket

I am most definitely loving the little pockets in our house that are finished {just about}.  I think the most frustrating thing about our house project is that there are so many stalls at 95% finished.  So close, but not quite.  Our bedroom is very close, here is a sneak peek.

Bedroom decor

I am SO loving this antler chandelier in residence at Lonestar Newmarket.  We have the perfect spot for a smaller version in our kitchen/lounge unfortunately no-one else agrees with me :  (.  It’s quirky and different, plus the symmetry is beautiful.

Antler Chandelier

I am loving cocktail sausages.  I eat them at all times of day, breakfast, lunch, 2pm, dinner.  Whenever.  I bought a kilo last week and they were gone by Wednesday.  A kilo back in the fridge as of this afternoon.  Yippee!

Cocktail Sausages

Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

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  1. Jun 10, 2012 8:21 pm

    Classic denim jackets are so cool. Love that chandelier too. Yeah sorry about the google only commenting I just changed the setting last week to see if it would help cos I was getting so much anonymous spam through 🙂 happy week to you 🙂

  2. Jun 11, 2012 9:45 am

    I use to have a denim jacket, yes they do look cool and sexy. I also love the chandelier, never seen your house but sure it would look great,

    • Jun 11, 2012 9:56 am


      Thanks for visiting and good luck with the interview! I have no idea why my comment on your blog comes up from my son but anyhow! That was me lol