It feels a little premature to be writing this now as I’m sure I will have a list as long as my arm after this weekends Around the Table Blogging conference! This may also be the very first text only Things I’m Loving post as I’m posting from my iPhone {carry on luggage only, XL preggo clothing requirements and warm outfits mean I have left the DSLR at home as well as lappy and iPad}. Let the blogging in miniature commence!
I am so loving what E and Dave have achieved this week. They have ridden to school every day! E needs to sharpen up on cycle safety before he can ride solo – I meet him at 4 Square in the afternoon and shadow him home, but the extra father/son time has done wonders for their relationship.
Loving being able to travel relatively hassle and worry free this weekend thanks to Dave and Mum. Rugby is a home game today meaning no one has to drive anywhere. Sunday will be quite hectic as E is participating in his first WeetBix TryAthlon! So sad I will miss it but I know he’ll have a great morning with his Dad and Nana.
Hitting third trimester status has been good and bad. It’s nice to have reached another defining mile marker but energy is definitely waning. I can no longer cane along at speed whilst dog walking with Mum. A slow somewhat side-to-side waddle is the best I can manage. It was very nice to confirm at a growth scan last Friday what I already knew; this baby is a whopper. I was getting a bit worried that my massive size was all me, but bubba is measuring three weeks ahead and over 98th percentile, so at least I have an excuse!
Loving Treena Marie and her awesome family for being my billet hosts this weekend! It’s so nice to be staying in a ‘home’. Team Boy and little feet in the morning are the bestest. (Flannel sheets rule btw!)
Have a great weekend everyone! Linking up with Meghan at MNM’s {who is just as lovely IRL as I had thought she would be}
Apr 14, 2013 12:58 pm
Have a great time with all your bloggy gal friends. xxx
Apr 15, 2013 7:04 am
It was awesome having you come and stay!!
Apr 15, 2013 7:57 am
I SO loved meeting you this weekend – and it was so awesome that it was you (and Treena-Marie's) who were the first friendly faces I saw when I arrived! You are a beautiful lady and I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to know you xx
Apr 16, 2013 1:28 am
I feel the same way! Was SO happy to meet you finally and become a IRL blogging friend instead of just the online version x
Apr 16, 2013 6:16 am
you're very brave (in a good way!) travelling but i knw it would have been worth it! looking forward to all the baby posts coming soon!
Apr 17, 2013 9:17 pm
Thanks Claire, it was def an experience that required me to dig deep as I knew NO ONE! Will fill you later on in the week.
Apr 17, 2013 5:54 am
I loved meeting you – you are so lovely :o)