It has been SO long since I have written a T.I.L post {Hi Meg!} but in celebration of – hopefully – putting the baby-who-does-not-nap down for a sleep, I will type like a bat outta hell and try to actually finish a post.
So loving our Mountain Buggy and the freedom it gives me. I know that sounds silly, I mean I have a CAR after all, but being able to get out the door and exercise in a moments notice does me more good than shopping and happy pills combined! It’s a wonderous thing; fresh air and rediscovering muscles that had turned to jelly over the past 10 months. I stopped at the Four Square on the way home from our walk today and the lovely owner commented that it was a shame I had gotten caught in the rain. I must have hesitated in my reply as she looked at me and said “I guess it doesn’t really matter though does it?”. She could tell that I was so happy to be outside that I could care less about the rain! Thanks to Abby and Vicki for my awesome storm cover, Nixie stayed warm, dry and asleep the whole time x
Loving the spring-y-ness that has been popping up in the neighborhood. Our cars are now dusted in yellow pollen, the magnolias are blooming and everyone is getting excited about the return of warmer weather. A new baby brings lots of visitors and some bring spring flowers – Thanks Judy for these gorgeous daffodils and tulips x
Loving new traditions that sneak into family life. Ever since we brought Nixon home from the hospital, Sunday night has become fish dinner night in our house. Dave has perfected shrimp risotto and serves it with whatever fish takes his eye that day at the supermarket. It’s a divine meal, inexpensive and healthy and I look forward to it every week.
I love seeing Dave with his boys and at the moment Nixon is his wee mini-me. It’s early days yet, but that baby is the spitting image of his daddy – I’m crossing my fingers Dave has passed on his lovely, chilled out temperament as well as his large head!
My awesome Nana turned 83 this week. Ethan, Nixon and I loved that we could have lunch with her and one of my cousins on Sunday. She is such an amazing lady {who is quite besotted with her 11th great grandchild!}, we love you heaps Nana!
Finally I’m loving that this wee man is over the tummy bug that was hurting him so much earlier in the week. We had a rough couple of days, the worst so far. He spent the days crying and most definitely not sleeping at all. I was so ready for some help at the end of the day when my Mum and Dave would return home. But we have survived and I keep reminding myself that he will only be 6 weeks old for a mere 7 days! It’s quite bittersweet when you think of it like that isn’t it?
PS Nixon stayed asleep the whole time I was writing this!!!!! Mama’s winning at last.
Aug 16, 2013 4:17 pm
Love it! Its a great feeling to be winning!
Aug 16, 2013 5:59 pm
CUTTEEE bubba!!! nI am a 1/2 Kiwi 1/2 American family too!! Nice to meet someone else! nYou have a great list of lovings!
Aug 16, 2013 7:13 pm
Fabulous xx
Aug 17, 2013 12:31 pm
Lovely things to love! So glad he is feeling much better x
Aug 18, 2013 2:09 pm
Ooooh so lovely to have you join in with Things I'm Loving this week. Wow Nixon is a mini-Dave for sure. That shrimp risotto looks so scrummy – O feel the same way about a chicken kebab satay noodle dish we have every week – i.e. look forward to it all day! xx
Aug 19, 2013 9:48 pm
LOVE that quilt and your Nana bless nand the shrimp risitto sounds fab nand yes I too loved my pram/stroller/buggy for fresh air!