
Things I’m Loving | School Holiday Edition



So, so loving the amazing holiday my Big has had with his Nana and her partner up north.  I drove him up and stayed Monday and Tuesday and he is coming home today!  He is quite the wild man so has been thrilled no end with 24-7 eeling, rock pooling, driving tractors and whizzing along the wide open beaches.  He is such a lucky boy and I’m so proud of him for stripping back the gadgets and toys and relishing his barefoot ways this week.  He is a real boys-boy and doesn’t need much to make him really, truly happy. 


Bonus Loving

Bonus Loving

1.  Pink Leather Pouf My lounge revamp is just about complete thanks to an amaze oppy find this week, I think it needs a splash of pink though?

2. Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals I ordered this through The Book Depository with a coupon I had and got it for $35!!!!  I love it, beautiful photography and bright, bright colours

3.  Loving my new water blaster, our old Ryobi kicked the bucket mid-way through the exterior spring clean so bought a new one which is awesome!!!!  I hate dusting but could seriously water blast everyday, such a shame that we are on tank water, I have to reign myself in…….

4.  I have just ordered my second lot of Sukin organic cleanser and moisturiser for the year and cannot recommend these products enough.  I’m not a organic/earth mother type but I really do love these products.  They are super cheap at $12 each, they last for ages and are just beautiful on your skin.

5.  Cadbury Old Gold Chocolate – my current crave

6.  Tried and true.  So glad to have found these Berlei sports bras to get these breastfeeding boobs under control before touch season starts, I also LOVE that they are not white.  I picked up mine on the clearance rack at Rebel Sport YAY.

Spread the love



  1. Oct 13, 2013 1:01 pm

    Yay for happy holidays with the grandparents – memories made for sure. Touch! Oh it's been years since I've played! Enjoy 🙂

  2. Oct 13, 2013 1:50 pm

    Love the photos of your holiday adventures… The octopus photographs blew my mind ~ wow to see one in the wild again… Here in Korea they are often seen in tanks 🙁 in front of restaurants. Happy Weekend!

  3. Oct 13, 2013 9:54 pm

    what a fantastic time you've all had !!
    have enjoyed following you on IG
    thanks for joining in with I'm Loving

  4. Oct 14, 2013 2:57 am

    Great list of loves…simple holidays are always the best too…off to check out that face cleanser. xx