The week began with Ethan telling me to shut up. It transitioned from there into grumpy grunting, and a blanket ban on electronics. What is a boy to do without his gadgets? The horror! I am absolutely the worst mum in the world. Seething is a word I have never used to describe my eldest until now but I have deemed it Word o’ the Week.
The tempest has past however, a few days running his testosterone into the front lawn in mad-cap one man rugby test matches, no further arguments and early nights resulted in a perfectly lovely afternoon and evening with E.
He came home from Cubs on Monday night, proud as punch to give me any early Mothers Day gift, a rainbow loom bracelet! I had heard tales of these stylish gems made of rubber bands and love by sticky, dirty fingers and I have worn mine proudly every day this week. As a wee reward for his improving behaviour I nipped into the dollar store and picked up a pack of bands so he could make some at home. Practicing my ” yes’s”, I sat down with Ethan and he taught me how to craft my very own bracelet. We did it again after dinner and the baby was in bed and I can honestly say, we spent genuine, lovely quality time together making these little things, talking about the process and just enjoying sitting on the floor and being together. Win win win!
In other news;
– I have just painted my toenails lavender
– I have just won a gorgeous party pack from Megan @ Mousehouse
– After watching that video Look Up that’s doing the rounds on FB I’ve been thinking long and hard about my social media habits. As poetic and initially confronting as the clip is, SM plays a very positive role in my life that I’m not willing to give up; I had lunch with three other women today under the guise of our ‘Book Club’ lol. Three lovely people whom I would never have met, from a part of Auckland I never visit that I get to hang out with fortnightly because two of us met on the interwebs through our blogs. None of us picked up our phones to go online during our two hour lunch.
– Dave’s still in India
– We have a new king size bed that I cannot wait to get into each night, made even more indulgent and HUGE because Dave’s still in India
– It’s my first Mother’s Day on Sunday as a mama of two! So so blessed and happy about that.
TTFN, time to snuggle down and finish a book that’s been on my kindle for too long now, The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer. What are y’all reading? I need some inspo xx
May 9, 2014 8:20 am
Ohhhhhh the testosterone I hear you – the Mama in this house CRIED this week they can be awful but yet so loving wtf?!?!?!
May 9, 2014 8:20 am
I’m glad your week with E got better – sounds like a lovely way to spend time together, him teaching you to craft something 🙂
I agree with what you’ve said about social media; if I’m not at home, or have guests, I don’t even check my phone for texts, so I feel that my use of it is well under control. Some people are glued to their phone 24/7 though, which is quite sad.
My hubs is leaving crazy-early on Sunday for just over a week, so I will be thinking of you xx
May 9, 2014 5:31 pm
Yay for surviving despite the battles – nice to be able to share some quality time 🙂 The social media thing – it's all about balance… it makes me think of mums I see picking their kids from school who have their noses in their phones the entire time, among heap of other examples I encounter almost daily… And then like you say we meet lovely people too from it – balance is our friend 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend xx
May 12, 2014 9:08 am
Hi Melissa. I enjoyed The Interestings. 🙂 And I eventually got around to reading The Girl you left Behind (Jojo Moyes) recently – so glad I did because I loved it. 🙂 Have you read it? If not, I'd highly recommend it. I also loved Beautiful Ruins (Jess Walter), The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt) and The Husband's Secret (Liane Moriarty). What can you recommend? I'm also in need of some inspiration… 🙂